Black History is Everywhere

When I discovered that there is rich and deep history of blacks in this country that has been for many reasons not taught, not told, and thus not known it lit a fire within me. I began to search for the missing pieces of my history and to my delight I discovered that the history of African Americans in this country is as deep and rich as the country itself.

I knew that I needed to share my discoveries with the world and that I would not be satisfied until I did. That was when “Truth Be Told” was born. I knew that if you would just take the time to look you could find awesome and astounding contributions of African Americans in this country that were little known or not known at all. Along with the wonderful stories of triumph there is also profound tragedy and injustice.

We intend to uncover it all so the fulsome history of our journey in this country will be known. We want to ignite the fire of discovery inside of the next generation so that black history, our history, American history will be preserved

Nathaniel J. Harpe
CEO and Founder

You can find Black History anywhere, because Black History is Everywhere.